At present, we are in the process of putting together an edited volume on ‘Serial Predicates across Modalities’ (ed. by Roland Pfau, Cornelia Loos, and Beyza Sümer) to which many of the group members will contribute. It is expected that the volume will be published by Language Science Press in the course of 2025.
Coordinator: Roland Pfau
Group members (preliminary list – in alphabetical order):
Enoch Aboh, Nora Boneh, Heleen Bos, Cindy van Boven, Jan Don, Pegah Faghiri, Hongmei Fang, Monique Flecken, Rene Genis, Sune Gregersen, Kees Hengeveld, Patricia Cabredo Hofherr, Jenia Khristoforova, Eva van Lier, Cornelia Loos, Mijke Mulder, Gautam Ottur, Roland Pfau, Elisabetta Ragagnin, Marieke Schouwstra, Beyza Sümer, Eline Visser, Katherine Walker, Liesbeth Zack