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Postdoctoral researchers conduct their research within the ACLC but depend on the Department of their immediate supervisors for HR-related issues. Within the first weeks of the appointment of a postdoctoral researcher, a welcome meeting is organized with the ACLC director and coordinator to introduce the Postdoc to the ACLC. Then an intake interview takes place with the Department chair or representative, and if relevant the project leader or supervisor. 

After the intake, progress interviews take place with the Department chair every year. In preparation to this meeting, the Postdoc sends a report of their activities to  the ACLC Director. Based on this, the ACLC provides input for the annual departmental progress assessments.

Making the appointment

For the intake interview, the ACLC office will make the appointment.

For the annual progress interviews, the postdocs make their own appointments. The ACLC office does remind them of the fact that a progress interview is due.

Before the interview

The postdoc researcher fills out his or her part of the intake/progress interview form (see templates below) before each interview. This form should be sent to (1) all people invited for the meeting and (2) the ACLC office.

After the interview

After the interview, the supervisor fills in his or her part of the form (see template below) and sends it  to (1) all parties that were present at the interview and (2) the ACLC office.


Templates of the documents to be sent to the ACLC office before and after the interview can be downloaded below.