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Dr. B. (Beyza) Sümer

Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Taalwetenschap
Photographer: Beyza Sumer

Visiting address
  • Spuistraat 134
  • Room number: 6.40
Postal address
  • Publications


    • Karadöller, D. Z., Sümer, B., Unal, E., & Özyürek, A. (2024). Sign advantage: Both children and adults’ spatial expressions in sign are more informative than those in speech and gestures combined. Journal of Child Language, 51(4), 876–902. [details]
    • Laing, C., & Sümer, B. (in press). One size does not fit all: The case of iconic bootstrapping for language development. In The Oxford Handbook of Iconicity in Language Oxford University Press.
    • Ritmeester, J., Sümer, B., Boonstra, M., de Meulder, M., van der Aa, B., & Roelofsen, F. (2024). ZINinNGT: A Mobile Tool to Aid Hearing Parents Learning Dutch Sign Language. In ASSETS 2024 - Proceedings of the 26th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility Article 82 Association for Computing Machinery, Inc.


    • Karadöller, D. Z., Sümer, B., Ünal, E., & Özyürek, A. (2023). Late sign language exposure does not modulate the relation between spatial language and spatial memory in deaf children and adults. Memory & Cognition, 51(3), 582-600. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Karadöller, D. Z., Sümer, B., & Özyürek, A. (2021). Effects and Non-Effects of Late Language Exposure on Spatial Language Development: Evidence from Deaf Adults and Children. Language Learning and Development, 17(1), 1-25. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Karadöller, D. Z., Sümer, B., Ünal, E., & Özyürek, A. (2021). Spatial language use predicts spatial memory of children: Evidence from sign, speech, and speech-plus-gesture. In 43rd Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (CogSci 2021): Comparative Cognition Animal Minds : Vienna, Austria, 26-29 July 2021 (Vol. 1, pp. 672-678). (Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society; Vol. 43). Cognitive Science Society. [details]


    Prize / grant

    • Sümer, B. (2021). ELANPort: Web-based training for ELAN.

    Talk / presentation

    • Vachaudez, S. (speaker), Pfau, R. (speaker) & Sümer, B. (speaker) (10-9-2024). Thoughts vs. actions: Particle choice in Adamorobe Sign Language negation, 21st International Conference of Linguistics, Poznań.
    • Sümer, B. (speaker) & Pfau, R. (speaker) (22-8-2024). Complex motion predicates in Turkish Sign Language (TİD): A developmental perspective, 57th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea, Helsinki.
    • Vachaudez, S. (speaker), Pfau, R. (speaker) & Sümer, B. (speaker) (8-8-2024). Thoughts vs. actions: Particle choice in Adamorobe Sign Language negation (poster), Formal and Experimental Advances in Sign Language Research, Ann Arbor.
    • Sümer, B. (speaker) & Pfau, R. (speaker) (11-9-2023). Manner and Path in Serial Verb constructions, Workshop 'Serial Verbs Across Modalities', Paris.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • Universiteit Radboud Nijmegen
      Postdoc onderzoeker