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Have you ever thought about the impact your research or idea could have outside academia? Would you like to explore how you can increase the impact you are already making? IXA offers a new learning path on valorisation and impact. The learning path is particularly suitable for late-phase PhD students and Postdocs who want to become proficient in valorising their research.
Event details of PhD Skills | Societal Impact Cohort 2
1 April 2025
University Quarter and Science Park
Organised by
Christine Schalkx & Caroline Kleine Staarman

About the Learning Path Valorisation and Impact

The Learning Path is composed of 2 modules of a total of 3 workshops interspersed with online information.

The first Module focuses on impact, what it means for you, how to create it, the challenges you’ll encounter and how to take the first steps to create impact. Module 2, consisting of two workshops, guides you in concretising your ideas or research results into a plan. You will make a stakeholder analysis and learn about the support available within the knowledge institute.

Throughout the course the focus will be on translating your research into an idea that can evolve into a service, product or way of public outreach.