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George Walkden (University of Konstanz) is the guest speaker for this ACLC seminar. The title of the talk is "Adult language acquisition and syntactic change."
Event details of ACLC Seminar | George Walkden
16 November 2023
16:00 -17:00
P.C. Hoofthuis

Adult language acquisition and syntactic change

This talk will assess the place of adult language acquisition as an explanatory factor in syntactic change, making the case that certain changes can only be understood fully from this perspective. I will present a theory of syntactic “L2-difficulty” in terms of feature interpretability, and some preliminary results from the STARFISH project that bear on it, dealing with negation in the history of Low German and null subjects in the history of Latin American Spanish.

About the ACLC seminar series

The ACLC seminar series is a two weekly lecture series organized by the ACLC, the Amsterdam Center for Language and Communication.