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Prof. dr. J. (James) Symonds

Historical Archaeology North of the Alps
Faculty of Humanities
Capaciteitsgroep Archeologie
Photographer: j.symonds

Visiting address
  • Turfdraagsterpad 9
Postal address
  • Postbus 94203
    1090 GE Amsterdam
  • Publications



    • Symonds, J., & Munawar, N. A. (2025). The Renaissance of an Oasis: Insights from AlUla, Saudi Arabia.. Manuscript submitted for publication In L. McAtackney, L., A. Bolin, & S. Keitumetse (Eds.), Post/colonial Heritages: creative approaches to understanding and addressing colonized pasts. UCL Press, London.


    • Symonds, J. (Ed.) (2024). A Cultural History of Objects in the Renaissance. (pbk ed.) (A Cultural History of Objects; Vol. 3), (The Cultural Histories Series). Bloomsbury Academic. [details]
    • Symonds, J., & Munawar, N. A. (2024). Empires of Lies? The Political Uses of Cultural Heritage in War. In M. Dawson (Ed.), War and the Historic Environment: The Effect of Conflict from Front Line Ukraine to Historic Namibia (pp. 34-51). Routledge.



    • Munawar, N. A., & Symonds, J. (2022). Post-Conflict Reconstruction, forced migration & community engagement: the case of Aleppo, Syria. IJHS : International Journal of Heritage Studies, 28(9), 1017-1035. [details]
    • Symonds, J., & Munawar, N. (in press). By Order of Assad: Strategies for Re-Imagining Cultural Heritage during the Syrian Armed Conflict. In A. Loeseke , & S. Wakefield (Eds.), Cultural Heritage in the Middle East and North Africa: Third Actors, Mediators, and De-centering Practices (Cultural Heritage Art and Museums in the Middle East). Routledge.




    • Teixeira Lino, J., Symonds, J., & Funari, P. P. (2018). Conflict, Memory and Material Culture: The Archaeology of the Contestado War in Brazil (1912-1916). In P. Newson, & R. Young (Eds.), Post-Conflict Archaeology and Cultural Heritage: Rebuilding Knowledge, Memory and Community from War-Damaged Material Culture (pp. 72-91). Routledge. [details]


    • Symonds, J. (2017). Looking beyond the local: Richard Hodges' extraordinary journey from Box to Butrint. In J. Mitchell, J. Moreland, & B. Leal (Eds.), Encounters, Excavations and Argosies: Essays for Richard Hodges (pp. 7-20). Archaeopress. [details]
    • Symonds, J. (2017). [Review of: Nan A.Rothschild and D. diZerega Wall (2014) The Archaeology of American Cities Gainesville]. Journal of Anthropological Research , 73(2). [details]


    • Symonds, J., Vařeka, P., Preusz, M., & Dijkstra, M. F. P. (2016). War and Peasants: An Archaeology of Village Destruction and Abandonment during the Thirty Years’ War in West Bohemia. Archaeopress Publishing.
    • Symonds, J., & Vařeka, P. (2016). Paysans et Soldats. Archéologie des villages de Bohême abandonnés durant la Guerre de Trente Ans. In J. Guilaine , & J. Sémelin (Eds.), Violences de Guerre, Violences de Masse: une approche archéologique (pp. 129-144). La Découverte. [details]
    • Symonds, J., & Vařeka, P. (in press). An Historical Archaeology of Silver Mining in Central Europe: Joachimsthal and Bohemian Tolars. In J. Symonds, & V-P. Herva (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Historical Archaeology (Oxford Handbooks). Oxford University Press.


    • Symonds, J. (2015). Shadows after Sunset: Imperial Materiality and the Empire’s Lost Things. In A. Brooks (Ed.), The Importance of British Material Culture to Historical Archaeologies of the Nineteenth Century (pp. 335-357). (Society for Historical Archaeology Monograph). University of Nebraska. [details]
    • Symonds, J., Ylimaunu, T., Salmi, A-K., Nurmi, R., Kallio-Seppä, T., Kuokkanen, M., Kuorilehto, M., & Tranberg, A. (2015). Time, Seasonality, and Trade: Swedish/Finnish-Sámi Interactions in Early Modern Lapland. Historical Archaeology, 49(3), 74-89. [details]


    • Cooper, T., & Symonds, J. (2014). Gravel extraction: History of the aggregates industry in the Trent Valley. In D. Bridgland, A. Howard, M. White, & T. White (Eds.), Quaternary of the Trent (pp. 235-242). Oxbow Books. [details]
    • Symonds, J., & Vařeka, P. (2014). Cowboys and Bohemians: Recreation, Resistance, and the Tramping Movement in West Bohemia. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology, 1(1), 165-193. [details]
    • Ylimaunu, T., Symonds, J., Mullins, P. R., Salmi, A-K., Nurmi, R., Kallio-Seppä, T., Kuokkanen, T., & Tranberg, A. (2014). Street mirrors, surveillance, and urban communities in early modern Finland. Journal of Material Culture, 19(2), 145-167. [details]


    • Mullins, P. R., Ylimaunu, T., Brooks, A., Kallio-Seppä, T., Kuorilehto, M., Nurmi, R., Oikarinen, T., Herva, V-P., & Symonds, J. (2013). British Ceramics on the Northern European Periphery: Creamware Marketing in Nineteenth-Century Northern Finland. International Journal of Historical Archaeology, 17(4), 632-650. [details]


    • Symonds, J., & Teixeira Lino, J. (2012). Arqueologia da Guerra do Contestado (1912-1916): conflito, cultura material e memória. Vestígios - Revista Latino-Americana de Arqueologia Histórica, 15(1), 5–25.



    • Symonds, J. (2023). Good Karaoke makes good neighbours: An Archaeo-Ethnography of Oulu Nightlife. In T. Matila, M. Hyttinen, R. Nurmi, & T. Kallio-Seppä (Eds.), Memory of the Future: Juhlakirja Timo Ylimaunulle (pp. 85-91). Oulun yliopisto. [details]



    • Blonk, A. L., Cavallo, C., Fischer, A. D., van Londen, H., Renes, H., Symonds, J., & Visser, R. M. (2018). Stadslandbouw en ruralisering in (post-)middeleeuwse steden. - Deel 1: inventarisatie en evaluatie fase 1. Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]
    • Verspay, J. P. W., Huijbers, A. M. J. H., van Londen, H., Renes, J., & Symonds, J. (2018). Village Formation in the Netherlands during the Middle Ages (AD 800-1600): An assessment of recent excavations and a path to progress. (Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten; Vol. 56). Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands . [details]


    • Joyce, F. (Ed.), de Dijn, A., Gribaldo, A., Loader, I., Lobina, E., Moeller, N., Overeem, P., Pratt, M., Rainsborough, J., Stewart, C., Wiggan, J., Stroschein, S., Symonds, J., & Ziemer, H. (2017). 'So Far, So Good...?': Reflections on the Theme of 2017's Annual Workshop. ISRF Bulletin, 14, 8-31. [details]



    • Verspay, J. P. W., van Londen, H., & Symonds, J. (2015). The Malta Harvest: Village Formation in the Middle Ages (800 - 1600). Part I: Inventory and Evaluation. Universiteit van Amsterdam. [details]



    • Munawar, N. A., & Symonds, J. (2016). Public Archaeology in Exile: Cultural Heritage and the Conflict in Syria. Paper presented at Bridging Ages Conference - 12th international conference, Kalmar, Sweden.

    Prize / grant

    Membership / relevant position

    • Symonds, J. (2018). Betrayal is an intriguing notion that frequently arouses emotions. There are endless discussions about events and attitudes associated with betrayal (…), Vestigia - On the Trail of Betrayal, Lodz.
    • Symonds, J. (2017-2020). Member of ESF College of External Reviewers What is the ESF Community of Experts?Over the past four decades the European Science Foundation (ESF) has (…), Member of ESF (European Science Foundation) College of External Reviewers .
    • Symonds, J. (2017-2021). ACHSA network of scholars and researchers working in the broad and interdisciplinary field of heritage studies. The primary aim of ACHS is to promote (…), Association of Critical Heritage Studies.
    • Symonds, J. (2016-2017). Honorary Visiting Researcher, Boston University, Boston.
    • Symonds, J. (2016-2022). Research at AHM is carried out in some more than thirty research groups. The research of each research group relates to one or more of the five (…), Conflict Archaeology Research Group (Co-ordinator).
    • Symonds, J. (2016-2021). In September 2015 La Trobe University agreed to support the foundation of the Centre for the Archaeology of the Modern World. The Centre for the (…), Archaeology of the Modern World (CAMW) La Trobe University , Melbourne.
    • Symonds, J. (2016-2021). Member Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) Marine Archaeology special interest group (MASIG), Member Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA) Marine Archaeology special interest group (MASIG).
    • Symonds, J. (2016-2021). ARCHON is the Dutch inter-university research and graduate school for archaeology. It unites staff members, PhD researchers and research master (…), PI & Theme Leader Historical Archaeology ARCHON, Leiden.
    • Symonds, J. (2016-2021). The AHM Board consists of six senior academics from different disciplines within AHM and a PhD student. The Board assists the director in assessment (…), Amsterdam School for Heritage, Memory, Material Culture (AHM), Amsterdam.
    • Symonds, J. & van der Laarse, R. (2016-2021). Theme Leaders: Prof. James Symonds & Prof. Rob van der Laarse The research of each research group relates to one or more of the five research themes (…), Amsterdam School of Heritage, Memory, Material Culture (AHM), Amsterdam.
    • Symonds, J. (2015-2021). The 4D Research Lab Facilitates researchers from different disciplines in the Humanitieswho have specific spatial and architectural, i.e. three (…), Member of Board 4D Research Lab Faculty of Humanities, Amsterdam.
    • Symonds, J. (2015-2021). CREATE is interdisciplinary. Our researchers come from the fields of history, media studies, heritage studies, art history, book history, language (…), PI & Board Member CREATE Project University of Amsterdam , Amsterdam.
    • Symonds, J. (2014-2018). ACCESS EUROPE pursues three main functions: research, education, and public outreach. We organise seminars, research workshops, public lecture (…), ACCESS EUROPE: Member and Affiliated Researcher, Amsterdam.
    • Symonds, J. (2014-2021). Member of International Practice Group (IPG)The International Practice group provides a forum for archaeologists, historic environment and cultural (…), Member Chartered Institute for Archaeologists (CIfA): International Practice Group.

    Media appearance

    Journal editor

    Talk / presentation

    • Symonds, J. (speaker) (24-5-2019). Difficult Pasts and Haunted Presents, Department of Archaeology and Heritage Studies, Aarhus University.
    • Symonds, J. (invited speaker) (20-11-2018). An International Perspective on Archaeology at the UWB, The Department of Archaeology Faculty of Arts, University of West Bohemia (UWB).
    • Symonds, J. (keynote speaker) (21-6-2017). Today’s Future: Challenges and Opportunities Across the Social Sciences, Today’s Future: Challenges and Opportunities Across the Social Sciences, Amsterdam.
    • Symonds, J. (speaker) (11-5-2017). Difficult Pasts and Haunted Presents: Archaeology in an Age of Global Uncertainty: Keynote Address, University of Lodz Archaeology Institute.
    • Symonds, J. (keynote speaker) & Ławrynowicz , O. (speaker) (11-5-2017). Keynote address: Difficult Pasts and Haunted Presents: Archaeology in an Age of Global Uncertainty. Presented at postgraduate conference, Difficult Heritage Archaeology and Ethnography about the not always forgotten past, University of Lodz Archaeology Institute.
    • Symonds, J. (speaker) (3-4-2016). The Politics of Heritage: Museums, Landscapes, Material Culture. Pitt Rivers Museum, University of Oxford, Oxford University & Nordic Graduate School in Archaeology University of Oslo.
    • Symonds, J. (speaker) (1-11-2015). Industrial Archaeology and Heritage: A UK Perspective, Saxion University of Applied Sciences.
    • Symonds, J. (speaker) (23-9-2015). Keynote address: Where are we now? A personal reflection on the past, present and future of historical archaeology, 2015 Australasian Institute for Maritime Archaeology & Australasian Society for Historical Archaeology (AIMA/ASHA) annual conference.


    • Symonds, J. (participant) & Jayasena, R. (participant) (6-2-2025). Global Entanglements Workshop, Colombo. Global Entanglements Workshop Some Definitions of Historical Archaeology (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (other), Waagen, J. (participant), Jayasena, R. (participant) & kriek, M. (participant) (28-1-2025 - 8-2-2025). The Balana Community Heritage Project: Decolonizing 17th- and 18th-century fortifications Sri Lanka (other).
    • Symonds, J. (participant) (7-12-2024). Archaeology of the 20th century in central-eastern European perspective, Pilsen. Paper delivered:
      Archaeology of the Partisan movement in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands
      with Petr Netolický, and Pavel Vařeka
      (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Gonzalez Zarandona, J. (organiser), Symonds, J. (organiser) & Munawar, N. (organiser) (28-8-2024 - 31-8-2024). European Archaeological Association Annual Conference Rome 2024, Rome. Conference Session: Monumental Issues: Archaeological Approaches to The Public Materialities of Contested Pasts. This session explores the (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (other) & van Londen, H. (participant) (2023 - 5-6-2024). Community Archaeology in Rural Environments (CARE) Schylge project - Terschelling Island (other).
    • Symonds, J. (participant) (15-12-2022). Moving Materiality Forward, Amsterdam. Keynote address with paper: For Humanity (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (participant), Lucas, G. (organiser) & Kallio-Seppä, , . (organiser) (21-11-2022 - 22-11-2022). Poverty and Plenty in the North, Tornio. Paper presented: Problematizing Poverty: Perspectives from Anglophone historical archaeologyIn this short presentation I will talk about my (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser) & Munawar, N. (organiser) (31-8-2022 - 3-9-2022). European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 28th Annual Conference, Budapest. European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 28th Annual ConferenceEAA Budapest Session 320: Archaeologies of Displacement: Heritage, Memory, (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (participant) & Nordin, J. (organiser) (16-8-2022 - 18-8-2022). Entangled Extraction Workshop. Decolonizing the Torne Valley (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (member of programme committee) (22-6-2022 - 31-7-2022). AHM Conference 2022: ‘Witnessing, Memory, and Crisis’, Amsterdam. Call for PapersOur societies today are characterised by ‘epistemic instability’, where previously shared truths are increasingly scrutinised and (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser) (20-5-2022). NASTA 2022: Breaking the Mould: Smashing stereotypes of grand archaeological narratives. The second Narrative and Storytelling in Archaeology (NASTA) conference is set to take place on Friday May 20th, 2022! Make sure to save the (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (member of programme committee) (29-11-2021). NASTA 2021, Amsterdam. Welcome to NASTA 2021!The first NASTA conference will be hosted by graduate students from ACASA at the University of Amsterdam on 29 April 2021. The (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (participant) & Munawar, N. (participant) (9-11-2021). European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 27th Annual Conference (Virtual), Kiel. Conference Paper: Conflict Narratives: The Politics of Cultural Heritage Management in Post-War Syria by Nour A. Munawar (Brown University, USA) & (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (participant), Sheik, T. (participant), Jean, J. (participant), Casna, M. (participant) & Desjardins, S. (chair) (29-10-2021). Archon Day 2021 Decolonizing Archaeology. Every year Archon organizes the Archon Day. During this day, we want to bring students, researchers, and professional archaeologists from the (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Stolk, M. (participant), Symonds, J. (participant), Gawronski, J. (participant), Jayasena, R. (participant), Hell, M. (participant) & Bakker, J. (participant) (2-10-2020 - 5-4-2021). Waterlooplein: the neighbourhood inside out (exhibition) (other).
    • Symonds, J. (member of programme committee) (12-9-2020 - 16-9-2020). 71th Internationales SachsensymposionArbeitsgemeinschaft zur Archäologie der Sachsenund ihrer Nachbarvölker in Nordwesteuropa – IVoE, Alkmaar. Landscape and settlement in coastal wetlandsThe Netherlands is well known for its rich and longstanding research traditions in landscape and (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (participant) & Vařeka, P. (participant) (27-8-2020). European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 26th Annual Conference, Budapest. Conference paper: The archaeology of the “Mistr Jan Hus” Partisan Brigade (occupied Czechoslovakia 1944-1945) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser) & Vařeka, P. (organiser) (26-8-2020 - 30-8-2020). European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 26th Annual Conference, Budapest. 318 Towards an Archaeology of Partisan and Resistance Networks and Landscapes in 20th-Century Europe (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser), de Jong, I. (organiser), van Rookhuizen, J.-R. (participant) & Lucas, G. (participant) (10-6-2020). The first Annual ACASA Group Seminar, Amsterdam. For some years classicists and archaeologists have been working together in ACASA. The collaboration so far has mainly focused on teaching and the (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser), Cavallo, C. (organiser), Bakker, J. (organiser), Çakirlar, C. (organiser) & Filioglou, D. (organiser) (12-12-2019). Historical Questions - Zooarchaeological Answers, Amsterdam. Historical questions - zooarchaeological answers is the second joint workshop co-organized by the University of Amsterdam and the University of (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser) (10-12-2019). Why Things Matter! Human-Object Relations in Contemporary Archaeological Theory, Amsterdam. The conference ' Why Things Matter!' will focus around contemporary archaeological theory relating to the complex relations between objects and (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Munawar, N. (organiser), Symonds, J. (organiser), Saloul, I. A. M. (organiser) & Holtorf, . (organiser) (11-6-2019 - 14-6-2019). Thinking and Planning the Future in Heritage Management, Amsterdam. The ICOMOS University ForumOriginally instigated in 2015, the ICOMOS University Forum aims at mobilising more academics based at universities to get (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (participant) (17-4-2019). Archaeological Dialogues Stichting (SAD) Annual Conference 2019Reconstructions of the Past: How do we make them and do they matter?, Lieden. Archaeology studies the past through material remains of this same past, but these material remains only go so far. A leap of imagination is required (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (participant) (21-2-2019). Stichting Archaeological Dialogues Archaeological Forum ‘Beyond Malinowski’ reconnecting archaeology and anthropology, Leiden (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser) & Çakirlar, C. (organiser) (7-6-2018). New Zooarchaeology: New Perspectives on Past-Human Animal Relationships, Groningen. As a species, our position within--and impacts on--the Anthropocene compels us to adopt a more nuanced understanding of human/nonhuman relationships. (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (participant) & Bakker, J. K. (participant) (7-6-2018). New Zooarchaeology: New Perspectives on Past-Human Animal Relationships, Groningen. Conference paper: the foodways of Ashkenazi and Sephardi Jews in pots-medieval Amsterdam (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Cavallo, C. (participant), Symonds, J. (organiser) & Çakirlar, C. (organiser) (7-6-2018 - 8-6-2018). New Zooarchaeology: New Perspectives on Past Human- Animal Relationships, Groningen (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (chair) (8-12-2017). AHM Conference 2017 Materialities of Postcolonial Memory, Amsterdam. Session Chair: Digitality and Materiality (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (member of programme committee) (7-12-2017 - 9-12-2017). AHM Conference 2017 Materialities of Postcolonial Memory, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser) (10-11-2017 - 13-11-2017). Transformations of Landscapes: The Impacts and Aftermaths of the Thirty Years's War, Plzeň. This conference will investigate the transformations that took place in the landscapes and settlements of central and northern Europe during the (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Munawar, N. (organiser), Morehouse, L. R. (organiser), Saloul, I. A. M. (organiser) & Symonds, J. (chair) (3-11-2017 - 5-11-2017). CHAT 2017 (Contemporary Historical Archaeology in Theory) -Heritage, Memory, Art, and Agency - Conference, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (chair), Holtorf, C. (participant), May, S. (participant), Boast, R. (participant) & Dolghin, D. F. (participant) (2-11-2017). Heritage Futures, Amsterdam. The workshop approaches heritage and its place in designating imaginaries of the future. To this end, the conversation brings together two research (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser), Saloul, I. A. M. (organiser), Morehouse, L. R. (organiser) & Munawar, N. A. (organiser) (2-11-2017 - 5-11-2017). CHAT 2017 (Contemporary Historical Archaeology in Theory) -Heritage, Memory, Art, and Agency - Conference, Amsterdam. CHAT 2017 —Heritage, Memory, Art, and Agency— will explore the relationship between contemporary and historical archaeology and cultural memory (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (participant), Stolk, M. (participant), Bakker, J. K. (participant), Gawronski, J. H. G. (participant), Jayasena, R. M. (participant), Mytum, P. (organiser) & Orange, D. (organiser) (1-9-2017). European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 23rd Annual Meeting: Session New Directions in Archaeological Studies 1500-2000, Maastricht (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser), Roymans, N. (organiser), van der Schriek, v. (organiser) & Burmeister, S. (organiser) (30-8-2017 - 3-9-2017). European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 23rd Annual Meeting, Maastricht. EAA Maastricht 2017 Exploring the Spatial and Temporal Scales of Warfare and ConflictOrganizers: Max van der Schriek, James Symonds, Nico Roymans, (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (participant) & Vařeka, P. (participant) (30-8-2017 - 3-9-2017). European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 23rd Annual Meeting, Maastricht. DESERTED VILLAGES IN BOHEMIA AS AN EVIDENCE OF THE THIRTY YEARS´ WAR IMPACT ON LOCAL POPULATIONS (Paper)The Thirty Years´ War, as with other more (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Munawar, N. (organiser), Morehouse, L. R. (organiser), Notroff, J. (organiser), Lostal, M. (organiser), Acosta Weirich, C. (organiser) & Symonds, J. (chair) (30-8-2017 - 3-9-2017). European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 23rd Annual Meeting, Maastricht. Session co-organizer: Art Crime and Stolen Heritage: Towards an Archaeological Consensus (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (participant), Smits, E. (participant), Paterson, A. (organiser) & van Duivenvoorde, W. (organiser) (24-4-2017). Invited Workshop, Shipwrecks of the Roaring Forties: A Maritime Archaeological Reassessment of Some of Australia's Earliest Shipwreckss, Amsterdam. The project investigates Europeans active in the Indian Ocean and our region during the 17th and 18th centuries through the unique window into the (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).…
    • Symonds, J. (organiser) (7-4-2017). Archaeological Dialogues Stichting (SAD) Annual Conference 2017: Power and Authority- an archaeologist's friend or foe?, Groningen. Stichting Archaeological Dialogues (SAD) is a Dutch foundation promoting theoretical archaeology by providing fora such as the annual international (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (chair) (7-4-2017). Archaeological Dialogues Stichting (SAD) Annual Conference 2017: Power and Authority- an archaeologist's friend or foe?, Groningen (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (participant) (30-3-2017 - 31-3-2017). IMASS: Integration of Methods in Archaeological Settlement Studies, Amsterdam. Integration of Methods in Archaeological Settlement Studies (IMASS) is a recently initiated network of communication for researchers who share a (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Noordegraaf, J. J. (organiser), Rasterhoff, C. (organiser), Nijboer, H. T. (member of programme committee), van Gemert, E. M. P. (member of programme committee), Bod, L. W. M. (member of programme committee), Kamps, J. (member of programme committee), Symonds, J. (member of programme committee) & van Gelder, M. (member of programme committee) (28-10-2016 - 29-10-2016). Creativity and the City 1600-2000: An E-Humanities Perspective, Amsterdam. This international and interdisciplinary conference on the history of creativity and the city aims to bring together recent research in the fields of (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (participant), Pettersson, C. (organiser), Simonsen, R. (organiser), Wennberg, T. (organiser) & Nurk, R. (organiser) (31-8-2016 - 4-9-2016). European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 22nd Annual Meeting,Vilnius, Vilnius. During the Early Modern Period the Baltic Region saw a number of conflicts where the ambitions of national states aiming for control of territory and (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser) (18-4-2016). Archaeological Dialogues Stichting (SAD) Annual Conference 2016: Theories of the Middle Ground, Amsterdam. Marxism, Structuration, Darwinism. When explicitly discussing theory in archaeology we almost invariably discuss big overarching theories. Without (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser) & Vařeka, P. (organiser) (6-1-2016 - 9-1-2016). SHA 49th Annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology.Conference session: Historical Archaeology in Europe: Current Research and Future Directions, Washington DC (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Morehouse, L. (organiser), Munawar, N. A. (organiser), Symonds, J. (organiser) & Saloul, I. A. M. (organiser) (2016 - 2017). CHAT 2017 (Contemporary Historical Archaeology in Theory) -Heritage, Memory, Art, and Agency - Conference, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser) (27-11-2015). Households, Histories, Materialities: An Interdisciplinary conference, Amsterdam. Households, Histories, Materialities: An interdisciplinary conference (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser) & Beaudry, M. (organiser) (2-9-2015). European Association of Archaeologists (EAA) 21st Annual Meeting, Glasgow. In the late-1980s historical archaeologists in the eastern United States turned their attention to studying the lives of 19th century industrial (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Symonds, J. (organiser), Roymans, N. (organiser) & van der Shriek, M. (organiser) (24-4-2015). The Materiality of Conflict. Aims, Methods and Theoryof Conflict Archaeology from Prehistory to Modern Times (ACASA / ARCHON), Allard Pierson Museum, Amsterdam. In the past two decades we have witnessed the rapid development of a new field of archaeological research, commonly labelled as conflict archaeology. (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).…
    • Symonds, J. (organiser) (13-11-2014 - 14-11-2014). Entangled Colonialism: Scandinavian Trade in the Atlantic and in Asia, Amsterdam. In the 17th and 18th century, following the lead of the Dutch and the English, Scandinavian countries founded trading companies to engage in the (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Morehouse, L. R. (2024). Recontextualizing the boy with grapes stelae of Roman Egypt: Authenticity, connectivity, and memory. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. [details]




    • Verspay, J., van Londen, H., Symonds, J., Renes, H. & Huijbers, A. (2018). Village Formation in the Netherlands during the Middle Ages (AD 800 – 1600). An assessment of recent excavations and a path to progress,Oogst voor Malta: Dorpsvorming in de Middeleeuwen (ca. 800 - 1600),. DANS Data Station Archaeology.
    • Verspay, J., Huijbers, A., van Londen, H., Renes, H. & Symonds, J. (2018). Village Formation in the Netherlands during the Middle Ages (AD 800 - 1600),Nederlandse Archeologische Rapporten 56,NAR 56,. DANS Data Station Archaeology.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • University of Oulu, Finland
      Docent (associate professor) Historical Archaeology