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Dr D. (Dženita) Karić

Assistant Professor
Faculty of Humanities
Religion Studies
Area of expertise: religious studies, Islamic studies, The Balkans, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Hajj, ritual, environment, rural religion

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: D1.11B
Postal address
  • Postbus 1622
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profile

    Dženita Karić is Assistant Professor (UD) in Religious Studies and Cultural Heritage. Her research focuses primarily on religious history of the Balkans, with a particular emphasis on Islam in Bosnia and Herzegovina, but also on the Ottoman Empire and Islam in Europe more broadly. Her past research dealt with Islamic rituals in Bosnia in the longue durée perspective; her current research focuses on questions of religion, piety and environment in contemporary world. 

    Karić obtained her PhD in 2018 at the School of Oriental and African Studies (University of London). She worked as a researcher at the Oriental Institute in Sarajevo (University of Sarajevo) from 2009-2020, and at the Berlin Institute for Islamic Theology (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) from 2020-2023. She was a Teach@Tübingen Fellow at the Eberhard Karl University of Tübingen during the academic year 2019/2020. 

    Dženita Karić teaches courses on women and world religions, urban spiritualities and fieldwork practicum. 

  • Publications


    Bosnian Hajj Literature: Multiple Paths to the Holy (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2022)

    Palestinski postkolonijalni roman i novela u djelima Ibrahima Džebre i Gassana Kanafanija (Sarajevo: Orijentalni institut u Sarajevu, 2011)




    Cultivating love towards the Prophet in the early modern Ottoman period: arguments and practice, Cultural History, April 2023.


    From Expansion to Contraction and Beyond: Zayn Al-Dīn Al-ʿIrāqī's Alfiyya and its Relation to Ibn Al-Ṣalāḥ's Muqaddima, Archiv Orientální, 88/1 (2020): 15-35


    A Sultan’s children: Bosnian Jews in two major newspapers of the Bosnian vilayat – ‘’Bosna’’ and ‘’Sarajevski cvjetnik’’, British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, Taylor & Francis, Volume 42, Issue 2 (2015): 147-162


    Djelo ‘Dalīl al-sāʾirīn’ Imām-zāde Ḥasana al-Būsnawīja i fadạ̄ʾilska literatura: tekstualni autoritet i sveti prostor (‘Dalil al-sa'irin’ of Imam-zade Hasan al-Busnawi and Fada'il Literature: Textual Authority and Holy Space), Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju, Orijentalni institut u Sarajevu (2015): 51-87.


    Chapters in edited volumes


    Instructing the believers: Ottoman Bosnian Khalwati sermons on normative and supererogatory rituals, Practices of Islamic Preaching: Text, Performativity, and Materiality of Islamic Religious Speech (ed. by Almila Akca at al.), DeGruyter (December 2023).


    For the love of the Prophet: Fada’il in the early modern Ottoman context, Beyond Authenticity (ed. Mohammad Gharaibeh), Brill (April 2023)


    Finding the Lost Andalusia:  Reading Abdülhak Hamid Tarhan’s Tarık or the Conquest of al-Andalus in its Multiple Renderings (with Usman Ahmedani), Ottoman Central: Circulating Translations from Bombay to Paris (ed. Marilyn Booth and Claire Savina) (Edinburgh: EUP, 2022)


    Bosnian Women on Hajj, Reconfiguring Muslim Pilgrimage through the lens of Women's Mobility (ed. Marjo Buitelaar, Viola Thimm and Manja Stephan-Emmrich), Routledge (November 2020)


    A Birodalom Szolgálatában: Ali Dede élete és munkássága, in: Turbek: Szulejmán szultán zarándokvárosa (Pap Norbert, ed; Budapest-Pecs, 2020)


    Online Bosniak hajj narratives, Muslim Pilgrimage in Europe, ed. Ingvild Flaskerud, Richard J. Natvig, Routledge, 2018, pp. 58-69.


    The Many Faces of Cairo: Bosnian Muslims and their Re-imagination(s) of the Identitarian Centre, Muslims in the UK and Europe II (ed. Yasir Suleiman and Paul Anderson), Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge, 2016, pp. 159-168.


    Review essays


    “Feel-good Orientalism and the Question of Dignity” | A Review Essay on Emily Greble’s Muslims and the Making of Modern Europe, co-authored with Harun Buljina and Piro Rexhepi, The Maydan, February 2023

    Review essay: Remaking Muslim Lives: Everyday Islam in Postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina by David Henig; Lived Islam: Colloquial Religion in a Cosmopolitan Tradition by Kevin Reinhart, American Journal of Islam and Society, 2021



    Encyclopedia entries


    "Pilgrimage in the Early Modern Ottoman Period” Routledge Encyclopedia of the Renaissance World (forthcoming)

    ‘’Bosnian discussions on Hijra’’, Christian-Muslim Relations: A Bibliographical History 1500-1900 (ed. John Chesworth and Lejla Demiri), Brill (forthcoming)

    ''Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina'' for The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women, series editor John Esposito, editor-in-chief Natana J. DeLong-Bas (2013)

    ''Mustafa Cerić'' for The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women, series editor John Esposito, editor-in-chief Natana J. DeLong-Bas (2013)

    ''Afterlife'' for The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women, series editor John Esposito, editor-in-chief Natana J. DeLong-Bas (2013)

    ''Muslim minorities in non-Muslim countries'' for The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women, series editor John Esposito, editor-in-chief Natana J. DeLong-Bas (2013)

    ''Devotional poetry'' for The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women, series editor John Esposito, editor-in-chief Natana J. DeLong-Bas (2013)

  • Publications


    • Karić, D. (2025). Body on a Pilgrimage. In E. Abuali (Ed.), Brill’s Handbook of Sufism and the Body Brill.
    • Karić, D. (2025). Ottoman Hajj. In Routledge Encyclopedia of the Renaissance World Routledge.
    • Karić, D. (2025). Senses of the modern Hajj: Muhamed Krpo's pilgrimage journey. In C. Lange (Ed.), Handbook of Islamic Sensory History 1500-1900


    • Karić, D. (2024). Instructing the believers: Ottoman Bosnian Khalwati Sermons on normative and supererogatory rituals. In Practices of Islamic Preaching: Text, Performativity, and Materiality of Islamic Religious Speech (pp. 155-173). De Gruyter.


    • Karić, D. (2023). Cultivating Love towards the Prophet in the Early Modern Ottoman Period: Arguments and Practice. Cultural History, 12(1), 1-22.
    • Karić, D. (2023). Ottoman Bosnian Khalwati sermons on normative and supererogatory rituals. In A. Akca (Ed.), Practices of Islamic Preaching : Text, Performativity, and Materiality of Islamic Religious Speech De Gruyter.
    • Karić, D., & Ahmedani, M. U. T. (2023). Finding the Lost Andalusia: Reading Abdülhak Hamid Tarhan’s Tarık or the Conquest of al-Andalus in its Multiple Renderings. In Ottoman Translation: Circulating Texts from Bombay to Paris Edinburgh University Press.


    • Karić, D. (2022). Bosnian Hajj Literature: Multiple Paths to the Holy. Edinburgh University Press.
    • Karić, D. (2022). Ethan Menchinger, The First of the Modern Ottomans: The Intellectual History of Ahmed Vasif. Eighteenth-century studies.
    • Karić, D. (2022). Milena B. Methodieva, Between Empire and Nation: Muslim Reform in the Balkans. Arab Studies Journal.


    • Karić, D. (2021). Bosnian discussions on Hijra. In J. Chesworth (Ed.), Christian-Muslim Relations, vol. 18 The Ottoman Empire (1800-1914) Brill.
    • Karić, D. (2021). Review essay: Remaking Muslim Lives: Everyday Islam in Postwar Bosnia and Herzegovina by David Henig; Lived Islam: Colloquial Religion in a Cosmopolitan Tradition by Kevin Reinhart. American Journal of Islam and Society.


    • Karić, D. (2020). A Birodalom Szolgálatában: Ali Dede élete és munkássága. In N. Pap (Ed.), Turbek: Szulejmán szultán zarándokvárosa
    • Karić, D. (2020). From expansion to contraction and beyond: Zayn al-dīn al-ʿirāqī’s alfiyya and its relation to ibn al-Ṣalāḥ’s muqaddima1. Archiv Orientalni, 88(1), 15-35.



    • Karić, D. (2016). The Many Faces of Cairo: Bosnian Muslims and their Re-imagination(s) of the Identitarian Centre. In Y. Suleiman, & P. Anderson (Eds.), Muslims in the UK and Europe II Centre of Islamic Studies, University of Cambridge.


    • Karić, D. (2015). A sultan’s children: Bosnian jews in two major newspapers of the bosnian vilayet: Bosna and sarajevski cvjetnik. British Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, 42(2), 147-162.
    • Karić, D. (2015). Djelo ‘Dalīl al-sāʾirīn’ Imām-zāde Ḥasana al-Būsnawīja i fadạ̄ʾilska literatura: tekstualni autoritet i sveti prostor (‘Dalil al-sa'irin’ of Imam-zade Hasan al-Busnawi and Fada'il Literature: Textual Authority and Holy Space). Prilozi za orijentalnu filologiju.


    • Karić, D. (2013). Afterlife. In J. Esposito (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women Oxford University Press.
    • Karić, D. (2013). Devotional Poetry. In J. Esposito (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women Oxford University Press.
    • Karić, D. (2013). Muslim minorities in non-Muslim countries. In J. Esposito (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women Oxford University Press.
    • Karić, D. (2013). Mustafa Ceric. In J. Esposito (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women Oxford University Press.
    • Karić, D. (2013). Women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In J. Esposito (Ed.), The Oxford Encyclopedia of Islam and Women Oxford University Press.


    • Karić, D. (2011). Postkolonijalni palestinski roman i novela u djelima Džebre Ibrahima Džebre i Ghassana Kanafanija.


    • Karić, D., Buljina, H., & Rexhepi, P. (2023). Feel-good Orientalism and the Question of Dignity: A Review Essay on Emily Greble’s Muslims and the Making of Modern Europe. The Maydan.

    Media appearance

    • Karić, D. (01-12-2024). Pobožnost daljine [Print] Kelamu'l Šifa'. Pobožnost daljine.
    • Karić, D. (01-03-2023). Mobilnost naučnika je bitna kako za same tragače za znanjem tako i za njihove lokalne zajednice [Print] Bosanska Sumejja. Mobilnost naučnika je bitna kako za same tragače za znanjem tako i za njihove lokalne zajednice.
    • Karić, D. (01-02-2023). Writing from the margins: Bosnian Hajjis’ understanding of the world EUP Publishing Blog. Writing from the margins: Bosnian Hajjis’ understanding of the world.
    • Karić, D. (01-02-2023). Dženita Karić Q&A: ‘There are so many stories of hajis which I hope to give justice to’ Hyphen Online. Dženita Karić Q&A: ‘There are so many stories of hajis which I hope to give justice to’.
    • Karić, D. (07-01-2023). Dženita Karić, autorica knjige "Bosanska hodočasna literatura": Kultura razvijanja pobožnosti i odanosti islamu Anadolu Agency. Dženita Karić, autorica knjige "Bosanska hodočasna literatura": Kultura razvijanja pobožnosti i odanosti islamu.…
    • Karić, D. (30-12-2022). Bosanska hodočasna literatura – višestruki putevi ka Svetom Al Jazeera Balkans. Bosanska hodočasna literatura – višestruki putevi ka Svetom.
    • Karić, D. (20-05-2022). Beyond Pure Obedience: Early Modern Ottoman Khalwati sermons on normative rituals [Other]. Beyond Pure Obedience: Early Modern Ottoman Khalwati sermons on normative rituals.
    • Karić, D. (01-02-2022). Islam on the Edges EP5-Female Muslim Piety in Bosnia and Herzegovina The Maydan. Islam on the Edges EP5-Female Muslim Piety in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
    • Karić, D. (26-07-2020). The Fifth Pillar: Hajj Stories: Bosnia Cambridge Muslim College. The Fifth Pillar: Hajj Stories: Bosnia.
    • Karić, D. (19-05-2020). Bosnian Hajj (Exeter Conversations with Dr Sajjad Rizvi) [Web]. Bosnian Hajj (Exeter Conversations with Dr Sajjad Rizvi).
    • Karić, D. (17-03-2019). Bosnian Comrades on Hajj [Web] Ottoman History Podcast. Bosnian Comrades on Hajj.

    Talk / presentation

    • Karić, D. (speaker) (1-3-2025). Bosnian Hajj Literature - an online book talk, LUMS.
    • Karić, D. (speaker) (4-12-2024). Bosnian Hajj Literature - an online book talk, University of Cardiff.
    • Karić, D. (speaker) (6-11-2024). Bosnian Hajj Literature - an online book talk, UCL School of Slavonic and East European Studies.
    • Karić, D. (speaker) (5-2-2024). Bosnia's Devotional History Through the Hajj, University of Exeter, EX1 2LU, Exeter, UK..
    • Karić, D. (speaker) (19-10-2023). Bosnian Hajj Literature: Multiple Paths to the Holy, What's New?! Fall Lecture Series 2023, Leiden.
    • Karić, D. (speaker) (22-8-2022). Sensory Experiences of the Longest Journey: Ottoman Bosnians on the Hajj, Travellers in Ottoman Lands: The Balkans, Anatolia and Beyond, Sarajevo.


    • Karić, D. (participant) (9-4-2024). Space and agency in Contemporary Muslim Piety. I participated at the conference with a paper titled ''Devotional Piety in Islam: A Case for the Norm-Making'' (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
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