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Dr. M. (Margreet) Dorleijn

Faculty of Humanities
Onderzoek FGw
Photographer: onbekend

Visiting address
  • Binnengasthuisstraat 9
Postal address
  • Postbus 1605
    1000 BP Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Profiel

    Magreet Dorleijn

    0,5 fte assignment at the department of general linguistics at the UvA.

    research interests

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    other professional activities

    I translate Turkish literature. For a list (in Dutch) of translations and related activities click

  • nieuw

    research topics

    Language contact: Codeswitching. Intertwining of linguistic systems in Turkis-Dutch bilingual data.

    Sociolinguistics: The emergence of ethnolects among Dutch Youngsters with Turkish and Moroccan background.

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  • Publications


    • Dorleijn, M., Kossmann, M., & Nortier, J. (2021). Urban youth speech styles in multilingual settings. In E. Adamou, & Y. Matras (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Language Contact (pp. 366-382). (Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics). Routledge. [details]





    • Dorleijn, M., Mous, M., & Nortier, J. (2015). Urban youth speech styles in Kenya and the Netherlands. In J. Nortier, & B. A. Svendsen (Eds.), Language, youth and identity in the 21st century: linguistic practices across urban spaces (pp. 271-289). Cambridge University Press. [details]


    • Nortier, J., & Dorleijn, M. (2013). Multi-ethnolects: Kebabnorsk, Perkerdansk, Verlan, Kanakensprache, Straattaal, etc. In P. Bakker, & Y. Matras (Eds.), Contact languages: a comprehensive guide (pp. 229-271). (Language contact and bilingualism; No. 6). De Gruyter Mouton. [details]


    • Dorleijn, M., & Nortier, J. (2009). Van de hand en de handschoen: code en stijl als tweetalige opties voor jongeren met een Turkse en Marokkaanse achtergrond. In A. Backus, M. Keijzer, I. Vedder, & B. Weltens (Eds.), Artikelen van de Zesde Anéla-conferentie (pp. 83-92). Eburon. [details]


    • Backus, A., & Dorleijn, M. (2008). Loan translations versus code-switching. In B. E. Bullock, & A. J. Toribio (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of linguistic code-switching (pp. 75-93). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Dorleijn, M., & Nortier, J. (2008). Code-switching and the internet. In B. E. Bullock, & A. J. Toribio (Eds.), The Cambridge handbook of linguistic code-switching (pp. 127-141). Cambridge University Press. [details]
    • Dorleijn, M., & Nortier, J. (2008). The hand and the glove: code and style as bilingual options among young people of Turkish and Moroccan descent in the Netherlands. Københavnerstudier i Tosprogethed, 45, 109-128. [details]
    • Nortier, J., & Dorleijn, M. (2008). A Moroccan accent in Dutch: a sociocultural style restricted to the Moroccan community? International Journal of Bilingualism, 12(1&2), 125-142. [details]


    • Dorleijn, M. (2006). Turkish-Kurdish language contact. Turcologica, 61, 74-94. [details]
    • Dorleijn, M., & Nortier, J. W. R. (2006). Het Marokkaanse accent in het Nederlands: Marker of Indicator? In T. Koole, J. Nortier, & B. Tahitu (Eds.), Artikelen van de vijfde sociolinguistische conferentie (pp. 138-147). Delft: Eburon. [details]



    • Dorleijn, M. (2000). Calqueing in the Turkish of bilingual Dutch-Turkish immigrant speech. In A. Fenyvesi, & K. Sandor (Eds.), Working Papers of the Bilingual Language Use Theme group (pp. 85-93). Szeged: University of Szeged. [details]


    • Dorleijn, M. (Accepted/In press). [Review of: Djenar, Dwi Noverini, Michael C. Ewing and Howard Manns (2018) Style and intersubjectivity in youth interaction]. Journal of Pragmatics.
    • Dorleijn, M., & Nortier, J. (2019). Introduction. Applied Linguistics Review, 10(3), 281-291. Advance online publication. [details]



    • Dorleijn, M. (2016). Can Internet Data Help to Uncover Developing Preferred Multilingual Usage Patterns?: An Exploration of Data from Turkish-Dutch Bilingual Internet Fora. Journal of Language Contact, 9(1), 130-162. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Dorleijn, M. (Guest ed.), & Verschik, A. (Guest ed.) (2016). Journal of Language Contact. Journal of Language Contact, 9(1).



    • Dorleijn, M. (1996). Loss of ergativity in Kurmanci. Dutch Studies, 2(2), 193-205. [details]


    • Dorleijn, M. (2005). [Review of: J. Hasanpoor (1999) A study of European, Persian and Arabic loans in Standard Sorani]. Bibliotheca Orientalis, 62(3-4), 376-378. [details]
    • Dorleijn, M., Nortier, J. W. R., El Aissati, A., Boumans, L., & Cornips, L. M. E. A. (2005). Turks- en Marokkaans-Nederlands. In N. van der Sijs (Ed.), Wereldnederlands (pp. 149-183). Den Haag: SDU. [details]


    • Dorleijn, M. (2002). 'Ik leg mijn schoen met Sinterklaas' Leenvertalingen in het Turks en het Nederlands. In H. Bennis, G. Extra, P. Muysken, & J. Nortier (Eds.), Een buurt in beweging, Talen en Culturen in het Utrechtse Lombok en Transvaal (pp. 217-234). Uitgeverij Aksant. [details]
    • Dorleijn, M. (2002). [Review of: J. Van der Toorn-Schutte (2001) Cultuur en Tweede Taalverwerving]. Levende Talen Tijdschrift, 3(1), 37-40. [details]


    • Dorleijn, M. (2001). Koerdisch. In G. Extra, & J. J. de Ruiter (Eds.), Babylon aan de Noordzee. Nieuwe Talen in Nederland. (pp. 141-152). Amsterdam: Bulaaq. [details]
    • Dorleijn, M., Boumans, L., & Dibbits, H. (2001). Jongens uit de buurt. Een ontmoeting met Guray, Narean, Hasan, Youssef, Mustafa, Azzadine, Badir en Rachid. Amsterdam: Stichting Beheer IISG. [details]


    • Dorleijn, M., & Leezenberg, M. M. (1998). Is Mahallemi een mengtaal? In J. T. G. Arends, & A. Bruyn (Eds.), Mengelwerk voor Muysken (pp. 143-149). Instituut voor Algmene Taalwetenschap Uva. [details]

    Media appearance

    • Dorleijn, M. & Nortier, J. W. R. (01-02-2006). Interview over onderzoek bij tv-programma RTL4 [Print]. Interview over onderzoek bij tv-programma RTL4.

    Journal editor

    Talk / presentation

    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) (28-5-2021). Depicting society through language, Manchester Metropolitan University.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) (12-3-2020). Metalinguistic commentary in non-standard, non-prestigious language practices, Universiteit Leiden, Leiden.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) (15-6-2016). Metalinguistic comments on innovative constructions in Turkish-Dutch CS.Debate, methodological issues and preliminary results., Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, Murcia, Spain.
    • Dorleijn, M. (invited speaker) (6-10-2014). Data on variation and change in Kurmanji revisited from the viewpoint of recent sociolinguistic theories, Second Conference on Variation and Change in Kurdish, Mardin, Turkey.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) (14-6-2014). Deliberate and default in multilingual speech: A comparison, Sociolinguistics Symposium 20, Jyväskylä Finland.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker), Mous, M. (speaker) & Nortier, J. M. (speaker) (5-7-2013). A comparison between Urban Youth Linguistic Practices (UYLP’s) in Europe (the Netherlands) and Nairobi, African Urban & Youth Languages conference, Cape Town SA.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) (21-8-2012). Multilingual internet data: can they uncover emergent stabilizing varieties?, Sociolinguistics Symposium 19, Berlin.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) & Verschik, A. (speaker) (21-8-2012). Thematic Session USING MULTILINGUAL INTERNET DATA IN LANGUAGE CONTACT STUDIES, Sociolinguistics Symposium 19.
    • Dorleijn, M. (invited speaker) & Nortier, J. M. (invited speaker) (16-6-2012). Social Categories in Urban Youth Speech Styles, International Symposium of Bilingualism, Oslo.
    • Dorleijn, M. (invited speaker) & Nortier, J. M. (invited speaker) (15-6-2011). Multilingual Internet data: can they help to detect conventionalisation processes? Impressions from Turkish-Dutch internetfora, International Symposium of Bilingualism 8, Oslo.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) & Nortier, J. M. (speaker) (11-6-2011). Multi-ethnolects: relating social factors to linguistic outcomes, Rethinking Contact Induced Change conference, Leiden.
    • Dorleijn, M. (invited speaker) (16-3-2010). The Hand and the Glove: are new mixed languages emerging in The Netherlands?, Symposion on the occasion of Pieter Muyskens 60th birthday, Nijmegen.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) & Beckus, A. (speaker) (11-7-2009). Structural implications of Loantranslations, International Symposium of Bilingualism 7, Utrecht.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) & Nortier, J. (speaker) (3-4-2008). Play, style, exploration and code: the linguistic resources of adolescents of Turkish and Moroccan descent in the Netherlands, Sociolinguistics Symposium 17 (invited), Amsterdam.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) & Nortier, J. W. R. (speaker) (30-6-2007). The relation between social and digital linguistic behaviour of Dutch Turks and Moroccans, International Symposium on Bilingualism 6 (ISB6) invited, Hamburg, Germany.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) & Nortier, J. W. R. (speaker) (29-5-2007). The usefulness of data from the Internet for code switching research, International Symposium on Bilingualism 6 (ISB6) invited, Hamburg, Germany.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) & Nortier, J. W. R. (speaker) (6-7-2006). Moroccan Flavored Dutch: a generalised ethnolect?, International Symposium of Sociolinguistics 16 (invited speaker), Limerick.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) & Nortier, J. W. R. (speaker) (12-11-2005). Een Marokkaans accent voor iedereen?, Congres Genootschap 'Onze Taal', Utrecht.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) & Nortier, J. W. R. (speaker) (23-6-2005). Is Moroccan Dutch developing into a general ethnolect?, ICLAVE, UvA, Amsterdam.
    • Backus, A. (speaker) & Dorleijn, M. (speaker) (28-4-2005). Turks- en Marokkaans-Nederlands, Anéla Studiedag, UU, Utrecht. http://www.ané
    • Backus, A. (speaker) & Dorleijn, M. (speaker) (28-4-2005). Nederlandse leenvertalingen in het Turks, Anéla Studiedag, UU, Utrecht. http://www.ané
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) (2000). New registers in modern Kurmanji: Syntactic structure and interference, First International Workshop on Kurdish Linguistics, Kiel.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) & van der Heijden, H. (speaker) (2000). Verbs and their Complements in immigrant Turkish in the Netherlands, Tenth International Conference on Turkish Linguistics, Istanbul.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) (1999). Some observations on calque-ing in immigrant Turkish spoken in the Netherlands, 1st Bilingual Language Use Theme Meeting, Szeged, Hongarije.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) & Leezenberg, M. M. (speaker) (1999). Language Contact in the South-East Anatolian Region, Quatrieme Conference Europeenne d'Etudes Iraniennes, Parijs.
    • Dorleijn, M. (speaker) & Leezenberg, M. M. (speaker) (1998). Is there evidence for a South-East Anatolian Sprachbund?, symposium Historical and Linguistics Aspects of Turco-Iranian Contacts in the South Anatolian and West Iranian Area, Mainz.


    • Dorleijn, M. (organiser) (25-8-2016 - 26-8-2016). Conference, University of Amsterdam. International Conference of Kurdish Linguistics (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dorleijn, M. (participant) & Nortier, J. M. (participant) (14-6-2016 - 18-6-2016). Panel at Sociolinguistics Symposium 21, Murcia, Spain. Metalinguistic Discourse on Multi-lingual Urban and Youth Speech Styles and Linguistic Practices (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Dorleijn, M. (participant) & Leezenberg, M. M. (participant) (2-9-2015 - 5-9-2015). 48th annual meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea (SLE), Leiden. The sociolinguistics of Kurdish (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Nortier, J. W. R. (participant) & Dorleijn, M. (participant) (16-11-2005). UIL/OTS, Utrecht. Workshop Etnolecten in Nederland (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).


    • Dorleijn, M. (1996). The decay of ergativity in Kurmanci. [Thesis, fully internal, Universiteit van Amsterdam]. Tilburg University Press. [details]
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  • Ancillary activities
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