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Dr R. (Ruud) van Dijk

Modern History
Faculty of Humanities
Photographer: Joan Dobkin

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: C 1.10
Postal address
  • Postbus 1610
    1000 BP Amsterdam
  • Profiel

    History of Globalization and International Relations: Teaching

    I teach courses in the history of recent international relations, but also in German history and American Studies (in Dutch and in English), and themes connected to the recent history of globalization. 

    MA seminars:
    Colloquium Geschiedenis van de Internationale Betrekkingen
    Koude Oorlog Crises (Cold War Crises)
    From Quasi War to the War on Terror: U.S. Domestic Responses to Foreign Policy Crises ("American Scares")
    From Colony to Superpower: United States Foreign Relations since 1776
    Burgers en/in Oorlog (Citizens and/in War)
    The Euromissile Crisis, 1977-1987
    "Losing Earth?": International activism and diplomacy on climate change and sustainability since 1968 (with Roel van der Veen)

    BA seminars:
    Duitsland tussen Oost en West, 1923-1953 (Germany between East and West)
    De Vroege Koude Oorlog, 1945-1953 (The Early Cold War)
    The Long 1970s and the Return of Globalization
    Inleiding in de Geschiedenis (Introduction to History)
    Lecture courses:
    The Global Cold War and the Making of Our Times
    From Hiroshima to Punggye-Ri: Nuclear Weapons in International Politics since 1945
    History of Globalization and International Relations (with Elizabeth Buettner)

    History of Globalization and International Relations: Research


    My current research is on the Dutch role in NATO's 1979 Dual-Track decision on Theater Nuclear Forces (the "Euromissile" crisis of the late 1970s and early 1980s), and more generally (with special attention to peace activists) what could be called the anti-nuclear revolution of that era.
    Together with four colleagues and MTM Publishing in New York, I have published the Encyclopedia of the Cold War (Routledge, 2008). With a new editorial team, I am currently working on a digital version of this work, to be launched in 2021 or 2022 as the "Routledge Encyclopedia of the Cold War."
    My early research has focused on the role of Germany in the Cold War, for example the East-West struggle over Germany's future between 1945 and 1953/5.
    Another project has been the launch of Ostpolitik (1969-1970) as seen from the Nixon White House.
    I have also published on the recent history of transatlantic relations, and on the perilous state of the post-1945 "world order."

  • Publications


    • van Dijk, R. (2024). Review of: Yannis Skalli-Housseini en Luk Van Langenhove, De Erfenis van 1947. Geboorte en toekomst van de huidige wereldordening (Brussel: Academic & Scientific Publishers, 2022). Bijdragen en Mededelingen betreffende de Geschiedenis der Nederlanden, 139.



    • van Dijk, R., Kruizinga, S., Kuitenbrouwer, V., & van der Maar, R. (2018). Conclusions and outlook: Small states on the global scene. In R. van Dijk, S. Kruizinga, V. Kuitenbrouwer, & R. van der Maar (Eds.), Shaping the International Relations of the Netherlands, 1815-2000: A small country on the global scene (pp. 240-244). (Routledge Studies in Modern European History; Vol. 55). Routledge. [details]
    • van Dijk, R., Kruizinga, S., Kuitenbrouwer, V., & van der Maar, R. (2018). Introduction: A small state on the global scene. In R. van Dijk, S. Kruizinga, V. Kuitenbrouwer, & R. van der Maar (Eds.), Shaping the International Relations of the Netherlands, 1815-2000: A small country on the global scene (pp. 1-12). (Routledge Studies in Modern European History; Vol. 55). Routledge. [details]



    • van Dijk, R. (2012). 'A mass psychosis': the Netherlands and NATO’s dual-track decision, 1978-1979. Cold War History, 12(3), 381-405. [details]
    • van Dijk, R. (2012). The end of a special relationship: why there was no 'Obama effect' in Dutch Afghanistan policy, 2009-2010. European Policy, 50, 185-200. [details]




    • van Dijk, R. (2017). [Bespreking van: J. Pekelder, R. Raben, M. Segers (2015) De wereld volgens Nederland : Nederlandse buitenlandse politiek in historisch perspectief]. Tijdschrift voor Geschiedenis, 130(2), 285-287. [details]


    • Sherman, D. J., van Dijk, R., Alinder, J., & Aneesh, A. (2013). The long 1968: revisions and new perspectives. (21st century studies). Bloomington: Indiana University Press. [details]


    • van Dijk, R. (2009). De actualiteit van: Konrad Adenauer (Keulen 1876-Rhöndorf bei Bonn 1967): Adenauer en Europa: heroriëntatie, verzoening, en containment. Christen democratische verkenningen, 2009(herfst), 132-136. [details]
    • van Dijk, R. (2009). Konrad Adenauer: West-Duitser. In F. Boterman, & W. Melching (Eds.), Het wonder Bondsrepubliek in 20 portretten (pp. 16-31, 314-315). Nieuw Amsterdam. [details]


    • van Dijk, R. (2008). Encyclopedia of the Cold War. Routledge. [details]
    • van Dijk, R. (2008). The German question in the early Cold War: is there anything left to discuss? Forschungsberichte aus dem Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam Universiteit van Amsterdam, 4, 115-126. [details]


    • Thijs, K. (Ed.), Morina, C., Dassen, P. G. C., Pekelder, J., Boterman, F. W., Jürgens, H. J., Nijhuis, A. J. J., Menger, T., Föllmer, M. J., van Dijk, R., Melching, W. F. B., Rieger, B., Wegewitz, M., Miedema, C., van Berkel, M., Bouma, J. M. J., & Thijs, K. (2021). Duitsland 1918-1991: Twintig vensters op een bewogen eeuw. Boom Uitgevers.
    • van Dijk, R. (2021). Kan een diep verdeeld Amerika de wereld nog wel leiden? Atlantisch Perspektief, 45(1), 28-32. [details]


    • van Dijk, R. (2020). De lange weg naar de Duitse deling: Over het internationale schaakspel, 1945-1949. In K. Thijs (Ed.), Duitsland 1918-1991: Twintig vensters op een bewogen eeuw (pp. 79-89). Boom.
    • van Dijk, R. (2020). Time to Give Up On the Americans? Reflections on a new recommendation to the Dutch government. Atlantisch Perspektief, 44(4), 51-54. [details]




    • van Dijk, R. (2016). Governance and the quest for security. (The Making of the Modern World: 1945 to the Present ; Vol. 9). Philadelphia, PA: National Highlights Inc. [details]
    • van Dijk, R. (2016). Succesvolle diplomatie? [Bespreking van: R. Hutchings, J. Suri (2015) Foreign Policy Breakthroughs: Cases in Successful Diplomacy]. Atlantisch Perspektief, 40(1), 40-41. [details]
    • van Dijk, R. (2016). ’Taking the Dutch to the Next Level’: De jaren 2003-2010 volgens Wikileaks. In D. Hellema, & G. Scott-Smith (Eds.), De Amerikaanse ambassade in Den Haag: een blik achter de schermen van de Amerikaans-Nederlandse betrekkingen (pp. 179-193). [Amsterdam]: Boom. [details]






    • van Dijk, R. (2009). [Review of: P. Ruggenthaler (2007) Stalins großer Bluff: die Geschichte der Stalin-Note in Dokumenten der sowjetischen Führung]. Contemporary Austrian Studies, 17, 345-350. [details]



    • van Dijk, R. (2021). The Dutch Interchurch Peace Council and the Anti-Nuclear Revolution of the 1970s and 1980s. Paper presented at Global Histories of Anti-Nuclear and Peace Activism in the Late Cold War , London, United Kingdom.

    Media appearance

    • van Dijk, R. (14-07-2018). De bedreigingen voor de NAVO komen net zo vaak van binnen als van buiten [Print] Nederlands Dagblad. De bedreigingen voor de NAVO komen net zo vaak van binnen als van buiten.

    Journal editor

    • van Dijk, R. (reviewer) (2016-2017). Recasting the History of Dutch Foreign Relations, 1814-2000 (organisation Ruud van Dijk, Samuël Kruizinga, Vincent Kuitenbrouwer & Rimko van der Maar), University of Amsterdam (Event).
    • van Dijk, R. (reviewer) (2016-2017). Wiley-Blackwell (Publisher).
    • van Dijk, R. (reviewer) (2015-2016). Mason Crest Publishers (Publisher).

    Talk / presentation

    • van Dijk, R. (speaker) (20-10-2016). “Foreign Relations in U.S. Presidential Elections since 1916”, Stichting Jason.
    • van Dijk, R. (speaker) (13-5-2016). Presentation at the seminar “United States Grand Strategy in a Populist Age.” University of Amsterdam Department of Political Science, May 13, 2016..
    • van Dijk, R. (speaker) (10-5-2016). Graduiertenkolleg, “Conflict and Cooperation in Europe.”, ., Duitsland Instituut Amsterdam.
    • van Dijk, R. (speaker) (9-3-2016). “Een ander soort number one: Amerika en de wereld onder Obama.”, Atlantische Commissie.


    • van der Maar, R. (organiser), van Dijk, R. (organiser), Heere, C. (chair) & van Dam, P. (participant) (27-6-2024). Een lange reeks gemiste kansen?, The Hague. Een lange reeks gemiste kansen? Het Nederlandse klimaatbeleid in internationaal perspectief
      sprekers Peter van Dam en Stefanie Roels
      (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van der Maar, R. (organiser), van Dijk, R. (organiser) & Heere, C. (participant) (6-12-2023). Lancering van de collectie van het oral history-project “Diplomatieke Getuigenissen, amsterdam. Lancering van de collectie van het oral history-project “Diplomatieke Getuigenissen (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van der Maar, R. (chair), van Dijk, R. (organiser) & Heere, C. (organiser) (23-2-2023). Wat is de invloed van het bedrijfsleven op de diplomatie?, the Hague (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van der Maar, R. (chair), van Dijk, R. (organiser), Heere, C. (organiser), van der Veen, R. (participant) & Steijlen, F. (participant) (19-5-2022). Onafhankelijkheid, dekolonisatie, geweld en oorlog in Indonesië. Negende bijeenkomst van de Werkgroep Historie en Internationale Politiek (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van der Maar, R. (organiser), van Dijk, R. (organiser) & van der Zwan, B. (organiser) (20-5-2021). Hans Valk. Over een Nederlandse kolonel en een coup in Suriname (1980) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Dijk, R. (participant) (24-5-2019). Sizing up the Cold War: History and Legacies Thirty Years Later Friday, May 24, 2019 International symposium UB, UvA & Spui 25. Sizing up the Cold War: History and Legacies Thirty Years Later Friday, May 24, 2019 International symposium UB, UvA & Spui 25 (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Dijk, R. (participant), Crump, L. (organiser) & Scott Smith, G. (organiser) (2018 - 2050). Research Network. Co-founder, co-coordinator, Cold War Research Network ( (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Dijk, R. (participant) (18-11-2017). U Night, Amsterdam. Six ten-minute expert conversations on nuclear weapons with members of the public, “U Night,” University of Amsterdam, Saturday night, November 18, (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Dijk, R. (participant) (26-8-2017). Historicidagen 2017, Utrecht. Presentation, “De onvermijdelijkeheid van geschiedenis” (The inevitability of history). Panel on history and foreign policy, Historicidagen, Utrecht (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Dijk, R. (participant) (21-6-2017). Seminar Grand Strategy and Populism II, University of Amsterdam Department of Political Science. Presentation, “The Great Force of (Transatlantic) History Comes From The Fact That We Carry It Within Us.” (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Dijk, R. (participant) (7-4-2017). Western tourism in Eastern Europe. Chair, panel “Western Tourism in Eastern Europe.” Conference Crossing the Iron Curtain: Tourism and Travelling in the Cold War, University of (…) (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van der Maar, R. (participant), van Dijk, R. (participant), van der Zwan, B. (participant) & Scott-Smith, G. (participant) (1-2-2017). Werkgroep Historie en Internationale Politiek. Initiator of a new Working Group: Werkgroep Historie en Internationale Politiek (WHIP). Our group brings together historians, diplomats, and civil (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Dijk, R. (participant) (2017 - 2022). Werkgroep Historie en Internationale Politiek, Den Haag. A collaboration with the Dutch foreign ministry, WHIP aims to bring together students and practitioners of Dutch foreign relations (including (…) (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Dijk, R. (organiser) (2016). Recasting the History of Dutch Foreign Relations, 1814-2000 (organisation Ruud van Dijk, Samuël Kruizinga, Vincent Kuitenbrouwer & Rimko van der Maar), University of Amsterdam. Co-organizer, symposium "Recasting Dutch Foreign Relations." University of Amsterdam, March 17, 2016. (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • van Dijk, R. (visiting researcher) (4-2014 - 7-2014). Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington, D.C. (visiting an external institution).


    • van Dijk, R. (2015). "Prelude to the Euromissile Crisis: The Neutron Bomb Crisis, the Netherlands, and the 'Defeat of the Strangeloves'," Nuclear Proliferation International History Project Working Paper, August 3, 2015.
    • van Dijk, R. (2015). “The Interchurch Peace Council and the Nuclear Arms Race,” Nuclear Proliferation International History Project e-Dossier, September 14, 2015. With Joppe Schaaper.
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  • Ancillary activities
    • GPd, Den Haag
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