The KRINO project
Researchers and valorization partners of the LANCAR group are involved in developing KRINO, a glass box AI engine designed to enable the user to analyze, evaluate, and produce argumentative discourse. For more info, please visit the webpage of the KRINO project.
ISOC NL / MMGA Working Group on Argumentation
In 2020, a collaboration has been set up with Internet Society Netherlands (ISOC NL) and Make Media Great Again (MMGA). The mission of these organizations is to improve the quality of information on the internet. LANCAR valorization partner and ISOC NL president Ruben Brave, research affiliate Federica Russo, and coordinator Jean Wagemans are participating in the ISOC NL / MMGA Working Group on Argumentation to create tools and training programs aimed at helping people to enhance their argument-checking and critical thinking skills.
City of Amsterdam
LANCAR valorization partner Ruben Brave and coordinator Jean Wagemans are participating in the Academic Workshop on Disinformation organized by the City of Amsterdam.
Science communication
Members of the LANCAR group regularly present their research and give lectures for a broader audience. Jean Wagemans serves as the Science Communication Coordinator of COST Action APPLY – European Network for Argumentation and Public Policy Analysis.
For more information, please consult the impact page on the LANCAR website.