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The sociolinguistic research group “Deliberate linguistic innovation in multilingual contact settings” investigates how multilingual individuals communicate with their various linguistic resources. The focus is on language variation that results from proficiency constraints and deliberate linguistic innovation, and the diffusion and possible conventionalisation of variants in the larger speech community.

Key objectives

  • To describe the kinds of variants typical of multilingual online and face-to-face communication
  • To identify the pathways of conventionalisation of deliberate linguistic innovations
  • To identify the impact of deliberate linguistic innovations on linguistic structure
  • To explain the innovation and conventionalisation of deliberate linguistic innovations in terms of cross-linguistic and situational constraints


Co-operation with Stichting Taal Naar Keuze to promote multilingualism, and support initiatives in this direction against oversimplified opinions that multilingualism poses a threat to language development. To enhance social impact further, research results will shared with the general public in the form of popular scientific publications (e.g. blogposts, newspaper articles).


Monthly meetings, alternating between lectures and workshops around project or research proposals, articles, data analysis and data interpretation.

Coordinator and group members

Bertus van Rooy (coordinator)
Margreet Dorleijn
Viktorija Kostadinova
Anne-Mieke Thieme
Liesbeth Zack