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The program will include talks, performances, demos, posters and discussions, showcasing the full breadth of research at the ILLC.
Event details of ILLC Open Day
7 June 2024
13:00 -17:30

Dear ILLC friends,

It is our pleasure to announce the ILLC Open Day, for all academics and professionals with interest in the research and activities carried out by the ILLC.
The event will take place on 7 June 2024 at LAB42 (Science Park) from 13:00 to 17:30.

The program will include

  • talks, performances, demos, posters and discussions, showcasing the full breadth of research at the ILLC from
  • Looking under the hood of Large Language Models, to
  • Proving theorems in mathematical logic, from
  • Designing algorithms for quantum computers, to finding out
  • What makes us musical animals?

Please see here for the program

Share this invitation among your colleagues and anyone who might be interested in the ILLC.

We are looking forward to welcoming you at Science Park and we hope to see many of you!

With our best regards,

Alex, Jelle, and Peter
the Open Day organizing committee

Science Park 900 - Lab 42

Science Park 900
1098 XH Amsterdam