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This course is designed for PhD candidates in their final year and focuses on the writing-up stage of their PhD. Themes include developing self-editing skills and writing effective and coherent paragraphs, sections, and chapters.
Event details of PhD Skills | Advanced Academic Writing: Follow-Up
4 October 2024
Organised by
Lotte Tavecchio

Course Description

The goal of these follow-up workshops is to provide individualized and in-depth writing assistance to PhD candidates in the final year of their PhD programme. We will focus on the challenges that you face in the writing-up stage of your PhD, such as developing your self-editing skills and writing effective and coherent paragraphs, sections and chapters. In these workshops we will further develop and reinforce your advanced academic writing skills.

  • Refresher class: reviewing main themes of Advanced Academic Writing course, e.g. word choice, sentence structure, punctuation and paragraph structure on the basis of an analysis of your own texts.
  • Text organisation: paragraphs and sections: coherence, transitions, structure/content of particular sections (e.g. introductions/conclusions)
  • Text organisation: chapters and/or academic articles: overall structure, coherence, transitions between paragraphs/sections
  • Self-editing skills: reviewing different approaches to self-editing, writing concisely, reviewing grammar, word choice and punctuation, checking tone and style.

The instructor will hold intake meetings with all participants before the first workshop to gain insight into your learning needs and goals.