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Dr. T.P. (Thomas) Smits MA

Faculty of Humanities

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
Postal address
  • Postbus 1610
    1000 BP Amsterdam
Contact details
  • Publications


    • Smits, T. (2025). Revisiting the Kahn collection: multimodal artificial intelligence and visual patterns of presence and absence in the Archives de la Planète, 1909–1931. Visual Studies, 40(1), 126-142.
    • Smits, T., Warner, B., Fyfe, P., & Lee, B. C. G. (2025). A Fully-Searchable Multimodal Dataset of the Illustrated London News, 1842–1890. Journal of Open Humanities Data, 11, Article 10.


    • Buelens-Terryn, M., & Smits, T. (2024). Projecting the world: The mediated geography of the projection lantern in Belgium c.1900-c.1920. Journal of Historical Geography, 86, 403-421. [details]
    • Smit, R., Smits, T., & Merill, S. (2024). Stochastic Remembering and Distributed Mnemonic Agency: Recalling Twentieth Century Activists with ChatGPT . Memory Studies Review, 1(2), 209–230. [details]
    • Smits, T. P. (2024). Visual Memory of Protest in the Age of Generative Artificial Intelligence. In Dynamics, Mediation, Mobilization: Doing Memory Studies With Ann Rigney (Vol. 41, pp. 369). (Media and Cultural Memory; Vol. 41). DeGruyter.
    • Smits, T. P., & Wevers, M. J. H. F. (2024). Coloring in the world of others: color use in visual orientalism, 1890–1920. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11, Article 1374.


    • Smits, T., & Wevers, M. (2023). A multimodal turn in Digital Humanities. Using contrastive machine learning models to explore, enrich, and analyze digital visual historical collections. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 38(3), 1267-1280. [details]



    • Wevers, M., & Smits, T. (2020). Detecting Faces, Visual Medium Types, and Gender in Historical Advertisements, 1950–1995. In A. Bartoli, & A. Fusiello (Eds.), Computer Vision – ECCV 2020 Workshops: Glasgow, UK, August 23–28, 2020 : proceedings (Vol. II, pp. 77-91). (Lecture Notes in Computer Science; Vol. 12536). Springer. [details]
    • Wevers, M., & Smits, T. (2020). The visual digital turn: Using neural networks to study historical images. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities, 35(1), 194-207.


    • Smits, T., Wevers, M., & Paklons, E. (2022). A Clash of Colorful Worlds: Distant Viewing Color in Visual Representations of the Orient and Occident, 1890-1920. Paper presented at DH Benelux 2022, Belval, Luxembourg.

    Prize / grant

    Talk / presentation

    • Smits, T. (speaker) (7-3-2025). Seeing the bigger picture: AI-powered multimodal analysis of large image collections, RMES Trending Topics in Media Studies 24-25, Utrecht.
    • Smits, T. (speaker), Smit, R. (speaker) & Merill, S. (speaker) (28-2-2025). Stochastic Remembering and Distributed Mnemonic Agency, TAIGA – Centre for Transdisciplinary AI .
    • Smits, T. (speaker) (15-1-2025). Making Victorian News Images Searchable: A Computational Approach to the Illustrated London News, 1842-1890, Digital Horizons in English Studies, Leeds.
    • Smits, T. (speaker) (16-12-2024). A Multimodal Turn in Computational Humanities?, Huizinga Winterschool, Rotterdam.
    • Smits, T. (speaker) (4-12-2024). A Multimodal Turn in Computational SSH Research?, Erasmus School of History, Culture and Communication.
    • Smits, T. (speaker) (25-11-2024). Machine Learning Meets Victorian Media: Tracking Transnational News Images, Periodicals and the Law 6 .
    • Smits, T. (speaker) & Wevers, M. (speaker) (14-11-2024). Are we at a Multimodal Turn? Navigating AI Developments for Historical Research, Intermediality and Computational Humanities Hackathon, Vienna.
    • Wevers, M. (speaker) & Smits, T. (speaker) (7-10-2021). Shaping the Neoliberal Consumer, or how computational methods can help in analyzing Dutch historical advertisements for financial products., European History Reloaded, Utrecht.



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  • Ancillary activities
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