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Dr. S. (Stefan) Salomon LLM

Faculty of Humanities
Europese studies

Visiting address
  • Kloveniersburgwal 48
  • Room number: D3.03C
Postal address
  • Profile

    Stefan Salomon is Assistant Professor of European Law at the European Studies Department at the University of Amsterdam. His research focuses on migration and refugee law. He researches how legal governance of migration changes citizenship and produces racial inequalities. His research also also covers questions of space and territory in EU law and international law. Stefan worked and conducted research in different regions and countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. He also serves as an ethics expert at the Research Executive Agency of the European Commission. 

    Before joining the University of Amsterdam, Stefan was a lecturer at the law faculty at the University of Graz, where he taught the Refugee Law Clinic, international public law and migration and asylum law.

    Stefan obtained his doctorate in law from the University of Graz. He also holds degrees in law and political sciences from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, and the University of Innsbruck. He was a visiting research fellow at the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity, Göttingen, and the African Centre for Migration and Society, University of Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

  • Publications


    • Cebulak, P. P., Morvillo, M., & Salomon, S. (2024). Strategic Litigation in EU Law: Who does it Empower? German Law Journal, 25(7).
    • Salomon, S. (2024). What Happens After the Court of Justice Has Given its Ruling? Promises and Pitfalls of Strategic Litigation Against Internal Border Controls in EU Law. German Law Journal, 25(7), 1043-1076.
    • Salomon, S., Cebulak, P. P., & Morvillo, M. (2024). Strategic Litigation in EU law. German Law Journal.


    • Salomon, S., & Rijpma, J. (2023). A Europe Without Internal Frontiers: Challenging the Reintroduction of Border Controls in the Schengen Area in the Light of Union Citizenship. German law journal: review of developments in German, European and international jurisprudence, 24(2), 281-309. Advance online publication. [details]
    • Salomon, S., & Rijpma, J. J. (2023). The promise of free movement in the Schengen area - the decision of the Court of Justice in Landespolizeidirektion Steiermark (NW). Case note on: CJEU, 26/04/22, C-368/20, C-369/20, ECLI:EU:C:2022:298 (NW v Landespolizeidirektion Steiermark). European Law Review, 48(1), 124-137. [details]


    • Salomon, S. (2022). The Construction of Territory in Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century International Legal Doctrine. Zeitschrift für öffentliches Recht, 77(1), 59-91. [details]
    • Salomon, S., & Tometten, C. (2022). Zur Zulässigkeit von Binnengrenzkontrollen und mitgliedstaatlicher Renitenz. Zeitschrift für Ausländerrecht und Ausländerpolitik, 42(11/12), 395-400.





    • Salomon, S. (2017). Self-determination in the case law of the African Commission: Lessons for Europe. Verfassung und Recht in Übersee.
    • Salomon, S. (2017). The Missing Link Between Law of Force and Refugee Law: Some Preliminary Remarks in Context. In Blurring Boundaries: Human Security and Forced Migration Brill Nijhoff.
    • Salomon, S., & Oberleitner, G. (2017). Whose Security? Introductory Remarks on People on the Move and the Reclaiming of Security. In Blurring Boundaries: Human Security and Forced Migration Brill Nijhoff.
    • Salomon, S., Heschl, L., Benedek, W., & Oberleitner, G. (Eds.) (2017). Blurring Boundaries: Human Security and Forced Migration. Brill Nijhoff.







    • Salomon, S. (2014). The intimate relationship between African customary law and self-determination. In W. Benedek (Ed.), Ethiopian Perspectives on Human Rights Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag .



    • Salomon, S. (2014). Austrian Constitutional Court and Asylum Law: Creating Judicial Gaps. Newsletter of the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Law Working Group .

    Media appearance

    • Salomon, S. (10-12-2024). Komt nu een eind aan vrij reizen in het Schengengebied? NRC. Komt nu een eind aan vrij reizen in het Schengengebied?.
    • Salomon, S. (07-05-2024). Neue Regeln für Grenzkontrollen: Dürfen bald dieSchweizer bei Kontrollen in Konstanz mitreden? Südkurier. Neue Regeln für Grenzkontrollen: Dürfen bald dieSchweizer bei Kontrollen in Konstanz mitreden?.
    • Salomon, S. (30-04-2024). ‚Kontrollen an deutscher Grenze sind rechtswidrig Legal Tribune Online. ‚Kontrollen an deutscher Grenze sind rechtswidrig.
    • Salomon, S. (28-01-2024). Zweifel an Rechtmäßigkeit – Experte erklärt Schengen Märkische Oderzeitung. Zweifel an Rechtmäßigkeit – Experte erklärt Schengen.
    • Salomon, S. (28-11-2023). TVR TV station [Television]. Europe between the lines.
    • Salomon, S. (07-11-2023). Südkurier [Print]. Schengen border controls.
    • Salomon, S. (06-10-2023). TAS [Print]. Schengen internal border controls.
    • Salomon, S. (17-08-2023). Det sætter helt klart spørgsmålstegn ved, om Justitsministeriet gør sit arbejde rigtigt [Print] Føljeton. Det sætter helt klart spørgsmålstegn ved, om Justitsministeriet gør sit arbejde rigtigt.
    • Salomon, S. (11-08-2023). Europe between the lines [Television]. Europe between the lines.
    • Salomon, S. (02-05-2023). Schengen internal border controls [Print] Dagbladet Information. Schengen internal border controls.
    • Salomon, S. (02-05-2023). Dagbladet Information [Print]. Jurister: Danmark har handlet ulovligt, når grænsekontrollen gang på gang er blevet forlænget.
    • Salomon, S. (11-02-2023). Én mand udfordrede fem regeringer i et slag om det grænseløse Europa – og vandt [Print] Dagbladet Information. Én mand udfordrede fem regeringer i et slag om det grænseløse Europa – og vandt.
    • Salomon, S. (11-11-2022). Hoe Zweden de norm stelde met ‘vriendelijke’ grensbewaking [Print] NRC. Hoe Zweden de norm stelde met ‘vriendelijke’ grensbewaking.
    • Salomon, S. (26-10-2022). SChengen internal border controls [Print] Foljeton. Schengen internal border controls.
    • Salomon, S. (29-09-2022). Was hinter den Grenzkontrollen steckt [Print]. Was hinter den Grenzkontrollen steckt.
    • Salomon, S. (09-09-2022). Dismantling Schengen — six months at a time [Web] Eu Observer. Dismantling Schengen — six months at a time.
    • Salomon, S. (08-08-2022). EU-experter: De svenska gränskontrollerna är olagliga [Print]. EU-experter: De svenska gränskontrollerna är olagliga.
    • Salomon, S. (02-05-2022). Vorarlberger bringt EU-Grenzkontrollen zu Fall [Web] ORF. Vorarlberger bringt EU-Grenzkontrollen zu Fall.
    • Salomon, S. (26-04-2022). Österreichs Grenzkontrollen sind unrechtmässig [Print] Die Presse. Österreichs Grenzkontrollen sind unrechtmässig.

    Journal editor

    • Salomon, S. (editor) (2019). Austrian Review of International and European Law (Journal).

    Talk / presentation

    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (22-3-2024). After the judgment, Strategic Litigation in EU law, Amsterdam .
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (6-3-2024). Enforcing decisions of the Court of Justice in strategic litigation, Strategic Litigation and the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (6-11-2023). "Wandering tribes”: the construction of territory in nineteenth century international legal doctrine.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (23-10-2023). Justice as non-domination, ICON-S BENELUX Chapter Inaugural Conference Crises, Challenges, and the Future of Public Law , Maastricht.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (12-10-2023). Ein Europa ohne Binnengrenzen? Recht, Politik, Integration, University of Innsbruck.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (23-9-2023). From human rights to citizens’ rights: shifting the discursive territory in migration law, Symposium on Migration and Border Violence, Lesbos.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (20-9-2023). Strategic litigation in EU law, research paper seminar series Hertie School of Governance , Berlin.
    • Salomon, S. (invited speaker) (18-7-2023). Extension of the Schengen acquis to Romania and Bulgaria and internal border controls, European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (27-6-2023). Guards at internal borders or Policemen inside the territory?, Schengen: Quo Vadis?, Brussels.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (23-5-2023). Using the EU Charter on Fundamental Rights in Strategic Litigation in the EU, Hertie School of Governance.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (15-2-2023). Legal Interpretation in Hans Kelsen and Robert Cover, Colloquium Public Law, Berlin.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (9-2-2023). Recent developments as regards the absence of internal border controls, European Parliament - Legal Service.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (17-1-2023). The implementation of preliminary rulings of the Court of Justice in strategic litigation, Strategic litigation in the European Union, Amsterdam.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (14-12-2022). Deporting Europeans, VU Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (1-12-2022). A uniform status of protection, Komplementäre Schutzformen – Bleiberechte jenseits des Flüchtlingsstatus, Gießen.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (12-10-2022). Strategic litigation before the Court of Justice of the EU, Immobilities along the Adriatic route, Bari.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (15-9-2022). Potentials, pitfalls and limits of strategic litigation, Commissie Meijers [Meijers Committee].
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (8-9-2022). Internal EU travel and extra-EU travel - double standards?, The legal impact of CJEU judgment C-817/19 on the legality of the EU's Passenger Name Records, London.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (5-7-2022). Construction of territory in 19th century international legal doctrine, ICON-S Annual conference .
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (4-7-2022). Legal incrementalism and the abolition of border controls: the shifting meaning of the abolition of border controls in recent cases before the Court of Justice, ICON-S Annual conference .
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (8-6-2022). Strategische Prozessführung und der Zugang zu Europäischen Gerichten am Beispiel der europarechtswidrigen Binnengrenzkontrollen Österreichs, University of Graz.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (20-5-2022). Annulment procedure: Rules of attribution in EU secondary legislation, EU Migration Agencies: Legal Oversight?.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (7-4-2022). A post-colonial perspective on asylum law, Asyl in Deutschland: Ausgrenzung und Teilhabe, Berlin.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (8-12-2021). Reintroduction of internal border controls in light of Union citizenship, Unviersiteit Leiden.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (12-11-2021). Strategic litigation before the CJEU, Zukunft des Migrationsrechts – jenseits von Eurozentrismus und neuem Nationalismus, Hohenheim.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (14-10-2021). The racialised borders of the Netherlands, Decolonization and Human Rights in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Den Haag.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (18-3-2021). Exploring the notion of territory of the Union.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (26-1-2021). The Law and Politics of Reintroduction of Border Controls.
    • Salomon, S. (speaker) (25-8-2020). Borders, rights and legal contestation, ECPR Virtual General Conference 2020.


    • Salomon, S. (participant), Morvillo, M. (organiser) & Cebulak, P. (organiser) (21-3-2024 - 22-3-2024). Strategic Litigation in EU law, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Salomon, S. (participant) (12-12-2023). Border Forensics: documenting and contesting violence at the external borders of Europe, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Salomon, S. (consultant) (10-8-2023). Association for Clean Energy and the Fight Against Climate Change, Association for Clean Energy and the Fight Against Climate Change (consultancy).
    • Salomon, S. (visiting researcher) (1-4-2023 - 23-12-2023). Hertie School of Governance (visiting an external institution).
    • Salomon, S. (participant), Brouwer, E. (participant), Guild, E. (organiser) & Thönnes, C. (organiser) (23-2-2023 - 24-2-2023). The future of European security architecture, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Cebulak, P. (organiser), Morvillo, M. (organiser) & Salomon, S. (organiser) (16-1-2023). Strategic litigation in the European Union, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).…
    • Salomon, S. (participant), Morvillo, M. (organiser) & Cebulak, P. (organiser) (16-1-2023 - 17-1-2023). Strategic litigation in the European Union, Amsterdam (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Salomon, S. (participant) (14-10-2022). Revising the Model International Mobility Convention (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Salomon, S. (participant) (7-10-2022). Recht, Partizipation, und soziale Teilhabe, Berlin (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Salomon, S. (visiting researcher) (1-9-2022 - 1-2-2023). Humboldt University (visiting an external institution).
    • Salomon, S. (participant) (13-7-2022 - 17-7-2022). Law and Society, Lisbon. panel chair and discussant (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Salomon, S. (participant) (9-6-2022 - 11-6-2022). Völkerrechtliche Perspektiven auf die internationale Streitbeilegung, Passau (participating in a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Salomon, S. (participant) (11-11-2021 - 13-11-2021). War and Migration (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
    • Salomon, S. (participant) (22-9-2021 - 23-1-2022). Racism and Law in Europe (organising a conference, workshop, ...).
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  • Ancillary activities
    No ancillary activities