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M. (Marise) Neijman MSc

PhD Student within the reseach group: Oncology-Related Communication Disorders
Faculty of Humanities
Literature and Linguistics

Visiting address
  • Spuistraat 134
Postal address
  • Postbus 1642
    1000 BP Amsterdam
Contact details
Social media
  • Publications




    • Neijman, M., Hilgers, F. J. M., van den Brekel, M. W. M., van Son, R. J. J. H., Stuiver, M., & van der Molen, L. (in press). Dysphagia after total laryngectomy: a clinical phase II rehabilitation trial with the novel Swallowing Exercise Aid (SEA 2.0). Abstract from 2024 DRS Annual Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico.

    Talk / presentation

    • Neijman, M. (speaker) (2-11-2023). Logopedie & Onderzoek, Patientvereniging Hoofdhals (PVHH).
    • Neijman, M. (speaker) (20-10-2023). Dysphagia after total laryngectomy: a phase II rehabilitation trial with the novel Swallowing Exercise Aid (SEA2.0), Oncology Graduate School (OOA).
    • Neijman, M. (speaker) (13-10-2023). Dysfagie na een totale laryngectomie, ATOS.
    • Neijman, M. (speaker) (6-10-2023). Dysfagie na Totale Laryngectomie: een fase II revalidatiestudie met de nieuwe Swallowing Exercise Aid (SEA 2.0), Nederlandse Werkgroep Hoofd-Hals Tumoren (NWHHT).
    • Neijman, M. (speaker) (19-9-2023). Sliktraining na een Totale Laryngectomie: Uitkomsten van de SEATTLE studie, NKI-AvL.
    • Neijman, M. (speaker) (13-5-2023). Compensation in verbal and nonverbal communication after total laryngectomy, Oncology Graduate School (OOA).
    • Neijman, M. (speaker), Latenstein, M. (speaker) & Karakullukçu, M. (speaker) (26-4-2023). A-laryngeal speech: how to start speech rehabilitation?, Voicestanbul 2024, Istanbul.
    • Neijman, M. (speaker) (24-4-2023). Logopedie & Onderzoek, Patientvereniging Hoofdhals (PVHH).
    • Neijman, M. (speaker) (9-3-2023). Patients' communication & adaption after total laryngectomy, ECHNO 2023, Lisbon.
    • Neijman, M. (speaker) (6-10-2022). Dysphagia after total laryngectomy, NKI-AvL.
    • Neijman, M. (speaker) (21-9-2022). Compensation in Communication after Total Laryngectomy, Interspeech 2022, Incheon.
    • Neijman, M. (speaker) (1-4-2022). Compensation in verbal and nonverbal communication after total laryngectomy.


    • Neijman, M. (other) (5-4-2023). Swallowing problems after total laryngectomy (other).
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  • Ancillary activities
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