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One of the key aims of Oncology-Related Communication Disorders is to investigate if, and how, speakers learn to compensate for changes in speech and voice as a result of head and neck cancer. It is assumed that physiological limitations constrain certain communicative and language functions, which can impact language behaviour.

Key objectives

  • Phonetics of oncology-related pathological speech
  • Predicting and synthesizing pathological speech
  • Automatic evaluation of oncology-related pathological speech
  • Adaptations in communication after treatment for cancer
  • Informing and counselling of patients



Coordinator and group members

Coordinator: Prof. Michiel van den Brekel (ACLC & NKI-AVL)

Group members: Dr Lisette van der Molen (NKI-AVL & ACLC), Dr Rob van Son (NKI-AVL & ACLC), Dr Odette Scharenborg (Multimedia Computing Group, Delft University of Technology), Dr. Maarten van Alphen (NKI-AVL), Dr. Klaske van Sluis (NKI-AVL)

PhD students: Manon van der Laaken (ACLC, promoter: M. vd Brekel), Bence Halpern (NKI-AVL & ACLC, promoter: M. vd Brekel), Marise Neijman (NKI-AVL & ACLC, promoter: M. vd Brekel), Song Duimel (NKI-AVL & ASCoR, promotor: J. van Weert)